Cycling To Nha Trang

Cycling To Nha Trang

This bike ride one or two days to Nha Trang starts with a 50 minute transfer 40 kilometers to the north east of Dalat on a new road and through the newest national park in Vietnam (Bidoup Nui Ba Park).  It offers fantastic cycling in the highlands as well as down a 30 kilometer pass to the lowlands. This downhill section is continuous ~ no joke.  Rafting and biking is also the best option to see the countryside.

One day cycling Dalat ~ Nha Trang

This ride to Nha Trang starts with a 45 minute transfer  to the northeast of Dalat on a new road and through the newest national park in Vietnam (Bidoup Nui Ba).  It offers fantastic cycling in the highlands as well as down a 28 kilometer pass to the coast.

The first section of the ride starts in pine forest and rolls through the hills with beautiful views of farms, countryside and Nui Ba Mountain.  There is one final 2 kilometer climb to the top of the pass before some serious downhill. The 28 kilometer, uninterrupted downhill section is the longest section of downhill we offer.

After reaching the bottom of the pass we have a picnic style lunch by the side of the river.  The section of riding after lunch offers a beautiful sampling of country living in Vietnam, passing through small villages and farms. This section of riding, although pleasant, can be challenging as the hills roll continuously.  Average riding distance is 80 kilometers with an option to ride more, or less.  The support vehicle can be used at any time by tired riders and is used to transport luggage and provisions along the way.

Two days 1 night - Cycle from Dalat to Bidoup National Park and Nhatrang

Day 1 Cycle from Da Lat to Bidoup national park

The first section of the ride starts from the office and head to the pine forest and rolls through the hills with beautiful views of farms, countryside and Nui Ba Mountain.This area is home to rare pine forests as well as small villages inhabited by the ethnic minority people of the central highlands. Arrive at Bidoup national park around noontime. This afternoon we’ll set off for a hike to a famous Thien Thai waterfall in the area. Overnight at basic guesthouse or tent. Ride approx. 50km

Day 2 Cycle to the beach town of Nhatrang

We get back on the saddle after breakfast in the park and head towards Nhatrang. You’ve got some hills to climb in the morning today before enjoying a stunning 30km downhill to the coast line, a longest downhill section in Vietnam so far. After lunch break at the bottom we’ll continue to cycle this rolling & flat section till you meet our support vehicle for a short transfer into Nhatrang. Ride approx. 70km

The Nitty Gritty Details

Depart FromWe’ll pick you up at your hotel
End AtNha Trang
Start Time 7:30 am
Finish Time Typically between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm 
DurationOne and two days - At least 5 hours riding time
ActivitiesBiking (sealed road) Rafting - Hiking >  2D bike
Biking Grade5 - Easy to Moderate (for both rides)
TransportationFront suspension, aluminum frame mountain bike, ( 2 man raft) minibus
Meals                             Fruit snack, purified drinking water, picnic lunch( L,D,B,L on 2 days). Please note one day in advance if you have special dietary requirements. 
What to BringBiking clothes, sunscreen, repellent, camera, sport shoes. Sandals are not recommended.
What’s  Included English speaking guide, all necessary forest and tourist permits, first aid kit, meal as listed above, helmet, high-end mountain bike and gloves. 
What’s NotPersonal major medical including evacuation insurance coverage is recommended. Tips for our guides are always appreciated

Price  ~    $85/person   (1 Day Dalat to Nhatrang)  

Price ~  $215/person - (2 Day Dalat to Nhatrang)  1 Nite at Bidoup Park

Office: 109 Nguyen Van Troi St, F2, Da Lat, Viet Nam

Tel: +84 2633 831 916

Hotline/WhatsApp : +84 918 362 058

Kakao Talk ID : canyoning ~ +84 918 362 058



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